I love to laugh, don’t you? My brother is effortlessly funny, as is my son. My daughter’s humor is crisp and dry. My husband is the pun-meister. Me, I’m not funny. Heck, I can’t even recall a joke; actually, that’s how I get my family laughing. When they see my face scrunch up with effort to recall a joke someone told just yesterday, it sets them all to laughing. Which makes me laugh, too. But mostly, I’m serious. I was serious when I set out to write Miriam’s Dive and I was serious when I finally recognized that it was time to let Miriam’s story soar into the world.

That day I went out and bought myself the world’s largest bubble wand. Wow, is that thing fun! And if everyone ends up laughing as I prance around the yard with it - wanding bubbles, bubbles, bubbles - great. I’m having fun! And we’re laughing together.

And in case you’re wondering - yes, I highly recommend you buy yourself some bubbles, too!


