Meet Deborah


Words create the painting of my voice.”

Deborah E. Boyle was born and raised in a small New England town. She grew up on a piece of land that held a meadow, a forest, a brook and a pond - where in winter she ice-skated with her four sisters and brothers. On summer days she would often read a book outside, a burbling brook her only company. Deborah’s parents were born and raised in two of Maine’s paper mill towns, so Maine’s beauty - with its deep woods, cascading rivers, stunning lakes and rock-studded coast - has deeply informed her love of nature.

Deborah’s eighth grade classmates proclaimed in their yearbook that she was sure to be a writer, but she took a few detours first. She attended Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts and spent her junior year on a Smith College program in Paris, France and Geneva, Switzerland. In Paris, she met her future husband, Gerry. They graduated from college, married, and moved together to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil where Deborah became a teacher. After three wonder-filled years in Brazil they returned to the United States and Deborah earned a Master’s in Nursing degree from the University of Washington. She spent more than 20 years working as a nurse and doing intermittent writing while also raising two magnificent children.

Deborah is now a full-time literary artist. She is a member of the Hollowdeck Press East Coast Writers Guild, the Writer’s Center, and the Maine Publishers and Writers Alliance. Miriam’s Dive is her first novel. She is working on her second novel, Aubrey’s Light, as well as a memoir, Maine Inside Me, about her parents and her large extended family, all of whom love to spin a good yarn. She lives with her husband in Maryland and Maine.

Books by Deborah


Aubrey’s Light

Coming In 2022

Aubrey is a modern woman who discovers ancient knowledge about making remedies. But she is just beginning to understand that remedies can have unexpected consequences.


Miriam’s Dive


Miriam is an artist who longs to create art inspired by the mysterious Black Madonna, but she stumbles into an unknown ocean.


Maine Inside Me

Coming In 2021

My parents were both born and raised in paper mill towns in the beautiful state of Maine. They ended up far from home: one served on an important U.S. military site following W.W. II and the other one landed in federal prison after fiercely defending her beliefs.

“A woman in harmony with herself is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.”

— Maya Angelou

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